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  • Transportation Supervisor: Mark Sharratt


    Riding the bus is a privilege — not a right. Behavior on buses is subject to the Ogilvie Behavior Plan. Bus drivers will make known to students the rules to be followed on their buses. Safety considerations require that these rules be
    followed. The main office and Board of Education will support bus drivers in enforcement of rules. Students violating the above policy will be subject to MN Statute governing the Drug Free/Weapon Free policy. Appropriate, respectful and safe behavior will be expected of all students at all times while riding a school bus. The bus driver is responsible for the safe transportation of students to and from school. Cameras are in use on buses to monitor student behavior. The following guidelines will be followed.

    At the bus stop, students will:
    • arrive several minutes before the bus is scheduled. The bus cannot wait for students to walk from their homes.
    • wait quietly in a safe place - stay off the road.
    • be considerate of other people’s property - stay off lawns, flowers, shrubs, trees and other personal property.
    • stand back from the road - give the bus driver plenty of space and time to stop.
    • no fighting, harassment, intimidation or horseplay.
    • no possession of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs.
    Boarding and exiting the bus, students will:
    • when crossing the road: check for traffic in both directions and wait for the driver to signal to cross.
    • recheck in both directions for traffic - cross at least 10 feet in front of the bus.
    • when boarding, go in single file in an orderly, respectful manner, use the handrail, take one step at a time, and go directly to a seat.
    On the bus, students will:
    • follow the bus driver’s directions.
    • remain seated until the bus reaches its destination and comes to a full stop.
    • sit facing the front of the bus, keeping feet on the floor and head, arms and hands inside the bus.
    • keep the aisle clear of books, bags, and other objects carried on the bus. These objects should be kept on lap or under the seat.
    • not drink beverages or eat refreshments.
    • speak quietly, using respectful, appropriate language.
    • treat bus property and equipment with respect.
    • keep bus windows closed unless driver gives permission.
    Leaving the bus, students will:
    • remain seated until the bus comes to a full stop.
    • move quickly off the bus in a single file, respecting others leaving the bus.
    • step down one step at a time, and off the bus using the handrail.
    • move away from the bus so the driver can see students and students can see the driver.
    Riding a different bus:
    • Students are to ride to and from school on their assigned bus. If students are to go to someone else’s home, they are to bring a note from parents/guardian and give it to the high school office before school starts in order to get a bus pass. The pass needs to be given to the bus driver when getting on the bus in the afternoon. SWITCHING BUSES WITHOUT A NOTE FROM PARENTS/GUARDIANS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED.
    Seat Assignments: The bus driver is authorized to assign seats. Students who refuse to sit in assigned seats will be suspended immediately from the privilege of riding the bus.

    Bus Violations: the bus driver will issue Students who do not follow school bus guidelines an Ogilvie Transportation Bus behavior referral
    Rule Violation will be posted in the buses. They are as follows:
    1st Offense - warning
    2nd Offense - Student will be issued a bus behavior referral and a call to the home by the administration.
    3rd Offense - 3 day suspension from riding the bus and a call to the home by the administration.
    4th Offense - 5 day suspension from riding the bus. In order to ride the bus again, there must first be a meeting with the
    parent, student, transportation director, and school administration to make a plan for improvement.
    5th Offense - to be determined.

    Administration reserves the right to remove a student from riding the bus at any time if the seriousness of the offense calls for a stiffer penalty. Once students have arrived onto school property, including busses, they are not allowed off of school property without permission.
    * Students can earn more than one referral per bus ride if additional infractions occur.
    ** Note: When a student goes 60 calendar days without a report, the student’s consequences may start over at the first offense.
    ***Based on the severity of a student’s conduct, more serious consequences may be imposed at any time.

    Depending on the nature of the offense, consequences such as suspension or expulsion from school also may result from school bus/bus stop misconduct.