Early Childhood Screening is a free and simple check of how your child is growing, developing, and learning. Screening at age 3 is preferred, but a child may be screened between ages 3 and the start of kindergarten as required by law.

    What to expect at your screening appointment: The appointment will last about 1 hour. It includes height and weight, a vision and hearing check, language & articulation check and a developmental screen that looks at your child’s skills. Parents will fill out a social-emotional questionnaire about their child and complete a summary interview sharing the results of the screening.

    A copy of your child's immunization record will be pulled from MIIC (Minnesota Immunization Information Connection) by Ogilvie's health supervisor.

    Due to the length of time and to minimize distractions, if possible, please leave other siblings at home.screening


    What EC Screening WILL do...

    -Screening uses different tools to help see how a child is growing and developing.

    -Screening helps show us:

          Strengths and skills – what your child CAN do!

          What your child is not doing yet.

          Any parent or caregiver concerns.

    -Screening helps identify which children could benefit from further evaluation.


    What EC Screening will NOT do....

    • Screening will NOT  provide a recommendation on whether your child is ready for kindergarten. Kindergarten entrance is based on the district age criteria of 5 years of age on or before September 1 and a parent's decision.
    • Early childhood screening helps a school identify children who may benefit from additional resources available to help in their development before entering Kindergarten.
    • Early childhood screening includes a vision screening that helps detect potential eye problems but is NOT a substitute for a comprehensive eye exam.


    Ogilvie Early Childhood will be offering FREE screenings on:

    Thursday, August 22nd
    Monday, October 14th
    Monday, March 17th
    Thursday, May 22nd

    As well as individual screenings as needed.

    Please contact Trisha Kotsmith to set up a screening date and time for your 3-5 year-old child if they have NOT participated in early childhood screening yet.
    320-272-5050 ext. 126 or tkotsmith@ogilvie.k12.mn.us